Thursday, September 27, 2012

What Makes A Great Haircut?

If you're like me, you can spot a great haircut from a mile away!! The challenge is, not everyone knows what to look for.

I noted some tips in identifying... if you've gotten your money's worth OR you are in need of a do-over.

A Great Haircut...

1. Starts with a great consultation. What is your daily routine? What do you  do for a living? Do you have a photograph of the desired style? Do you   exercise? Do you really know how much of your hair will have to be cut? These are typical questions you will hear from an experienced stylist.

2. Does not require additional maintenance, like curling, hairspray, re-styling.
3. Is recognizable the following day. If your haircut looks looks different after you leave the salon, then you have a problem.
4. Can be worn curly or straight.
5. Falls into place when the wind stops blowing
6. Compliments your face shape.
7. Can be cut with clippers, thinning shears, scissor. Quality shears are essential in this process.


Vanity Hair Studio NYC
private salon services

Monday, September 24, 2012

Nicki Minaj Has a New Fragrance. Are You Buying It?

New American Idol judge Nicki Minaj  has teamed up with Elizabeth Arden to create a signature scent for her Pink Friday line.  The singing rapper teamed up with Elizabeth Arden to create a signature scent. In typical eccentric Nicki style, the fragrance bottle is a replica of an armless brass Nicki in her signature pink wig and lipstick. The fragrance is described as an “intoxicating floral musk.” 

Vanity Hair Studio NYC

Friday, September 21, 2012

The Truth About No Lye Relaxers !!

The main, active ingredient in a no-lye based relaxer is calcium hydroxide or guanidine hydroxide. Although the pH level of a no-lye relaxer is typically lower than a lye-based one, no-lye relaxers are often associated with dryer hair due to potential calcium buildup. One of the major reasons someone may prefer a no-lye relaxer is if her scalp is sensitive, as the chemicals in this type of relaxer can be milder on the scalp. This doesn't mean that it's better to use on children or that the chemicals cannot burn you (they can).

Vanity Hair Studio NYC

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Female Pattern Baldness

The most common type of hair loss seen in women is androgenetic alopecia, also known as female pattern Alopecia or baldness. This is seen as hair thinning predominantly over the top and sides of the head. It affects approximately one-third of all susceptible women, but is most commonly seen after menopause, although it may begin as early as puberty. Normal hair fall is approximately 100-125 hairs per day. Fortunately, these hairs are replaced. True hair loss occurs when lost hairs are not regrown or when the daily hair shed exceeds 125 hairs. Genetically, hair loss can come from either parents side of the family.

There are two different types of hair loss, medically known as anagen effluviumand Telogen effluvium. Anagen effluvium is generally due to internally administered medications, such as chemotherapy agents, that poison the growing hair follicle. Telogen effluvium, is due to an increased number of hair follicles entering the resting stage.

The most common causes of telogen effluvium are:
Physical stress: surgery, illness, anemia, rapid weight change.
Emotional stress: mental illness, death of a family member.
Thyroid abnormalities.
Medications: High doses of Vitamin A, Blood pressure and Gout medications.
Hormonal causes: pregnancy, birth control pills, menopause.

When the above causes of telogen effluvium are reversed or altered you should see the return of normal hair growth.

Hair loss may also occur due to dieting. Franchised diet programs which are designed or administered under the direction of a physician with prescribed meals, dietary supplements and vitamin ingestion have become popular. Sometimes the client is told that vitamins are a necessary part of the program to prevent hair loss associated with dieting. From a dermatologists's standpoint, however, the vitamins cannot prevent hair loss associated with rapid, significant weight loss. Furthermore, many of these supplements are high in vitamin A which can magnify the hair loss.

Surgeries, severe illnesses and emotional stress can cause hair loss. The body simply shuts down production of hair during periods of stress since it is not necessary for survival and instead devotes its energies toward repairing vital body structures. In many cases there is a three month delay between the actual event and the onset of hair loss. Furthermore, there may be another three month delay prior to the return of noticeable hair regrowth. This then means that the total hair loss and regrowth cycle can last 6 months or possibly longer when induced by physical or emotional stress. There are some health conditions which may go undetected that can contribute to hair loss. These include anemia or low blood count and thyroid abnormalities. Both of these conditions can be detected by a simple, inexpensive blood test.

Hormonal changes are a common cause of female hair loss. Many women do not realize that hair loss can occur after pregnancy or following discontinuation of birth control pills. It is important to remember that the hair loss may be delayed by three months following the hormonal change and another three months will be required for new growth to be fully achieved.

• Frequent shampooing contributes to hair loss.
• Hats and wigs cause hair loss.
• 100 strokes of the hair brush daily will create healthier hair.
• Permanent hair loss is caused by perms, colors and other cosmetic treatments.
• Women are expected to develop significant hair loss if they are healthy.
• Shaving one's head will cause the hair to grow back thicker.
• Standing on one's head will cause increased circulation and thereby stimulate hair growth!
• Dandruff causes permanent hair loss.
• There are cosmetic products that will cause the hair to grow thicker and faster.
• Stress causes permanent hair loss.
• Hair loss does not occur in the late teens or early twenties.
• Hair loss affects only intellectuals.
• There is a cure for androgenetic Alopecia.

These are only a few of the common myths heard by physicians and other hair loss specialists on a daily basis. The AHLC suggests that you first have your hair loss diagnosed by a competent dermatologist who sees hair loss patients on a regular basis. Once you know the diagnosis you will have a better understanding of exactly which treatment option may be best for you.

Source: AHLC.ORG

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Hair Styles for Women with Traction Alopecia

If you're like most women/men who suffer from Traction Alopecia, you have become the master of deception that is. "Creative" could not begin to describe the lengths that women and men go through to cover their balding or scarred scalp. 

DEFINITION: Traction Alopecia is a hair loss condition caused by damage to the dermal papilla and hair follicle by constant pulling or tension over a long period. It often occurs in people who wear tight braids, especially "cornrows" that lead to high tension, pulling and breakage of hair

This condition is most common in African-American women and men who braid their hair too tightly AND Sikh men and  Japanese women whose traditional hair styles also pull and damage hair. Traction alopecia occurs more frequently in children, teenagers and young adults than it does in older women and men.

Traction Alopecia is reversible if diagnosed early, but may lead to permanent hair loss if it is undetected for a protracted period. Hair loss is often in the frontal and temporal regions, but also depends on the hair style. With those who wear cornrows, the area most commonly affected is that adjacent to the region that is braided.

Traction Alopecia can also occur due to overprocessing of the hair. Chemical treatment of hair with dyes, bleaches, or straighteners disrupts the keratin structure in a manner that reduces its tensile strength. The hair can become fragile and heavy fall out can occur with brushing or combing.

The use of thermal or chemical hair straightening, and hair braiding or weaving are examples of styling techniques that place African American women at high risk for various "traumatic" Alopecia.


The key to stopping Traction Alopecia is detecting it early. Hair styles that put unnecessary strain on the hair root must be changed for looser, more gentle hairstyles. Women/men who suspect they may be vulnerable to traction alopecia should take action immediately to change their hair style or treatment methods and by all means, take the time to see a dermatologist. Professional hair stylists specializing in braids, cornrows, weaving and chemical processing should warn their clients about Traction Alopecia. No medical treatment is available to reverse late-stage Traction Alopecia. Hair grafts have been identified as the only practical solution.


1. Keep the hair in its natural state and straighten with a hot comb or flat iron as needed. 

2. Use a side bang to keep the hair relaxed. Combing your hair down will release some of the tension on your follicles.   

3. Wear a bob like hairstyle. This hairstyle can cover all of your vulnerable areas while allowing you to feel sexy, modern and confident. 
 4. Wear your hair short. Short hairstyles usually require less tension. Even if you have very vulnerable areas, coverage is pretty easy once you have hair in the middle or back of your head. 

 5. Use clip in pieces to add color or texture to your hair. Chemical processes can weaken the structure of the hair shaft over time. 




6. Surgery

Low-Level Laser Therapy (LLLT): Laser energy has been found to stimulate hair growth on the scalp to improve hair quality, stop the progression of hair loss, and even promote new hair growth. 

Hair Transplantation Surgery: New surgical techniques make it possible to restore hair to thinning areas. When performed on a good candidate (typically someone with specific areas of hair loss rather than very diffuse thinning), the results are completely natural looking with no visible scars. No one, not even your stylist, will know. if hair are not the same as those used to restore male pattern baldness. Optimal results depend on the mastery of  these specialized surgical skills.

If you have any questions , feel free to contact Vanity Hair Studio NYC

Website/        /vanityhairstudionyc     @vanityhairnyc

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Naomi Campbell 

Fame & Beauty....No Hairline?

Even with unlimited resources, there are certain things that are inevitable when a woman  does not properly care for her mane. 

Naomi Campbell is just one of millions of women suffering from traction alopecia and  receding hairlines. We suspect that Superstar Brandy suffers from the same condition yet manages to keep it covered through lace-front wigs. 
Receding hairlines are becoming very problematic in the African American community. This is largely due in part to wearing hair extensions, weaves or hairstyles with tension. All of this tension slowly strains the hair follicles and weakens them significantly. Eventually the strained hair will fall out PERMANENTLY!. There is no product or magic ritual that will regrow your hair once it has been damaged. Unfortunately, this is applicable to the beautiful model. 
By the looks of things,  Naomi will be wearing wigs or hats for the rest of her life! 
I'm sure she did not have her $55,000 a year hair stylist along with her on this vacation. She will know better next time..
For more information on how to address a receding hairline or obtain hairstyles that will cover the bald patches, contact VanityHairStudioNYC on gmail, twitter or Facebook. 

private salon services

Monday, September 3, 2012

The Salon Dilemma 
When Professionalism is not the Norm

15 Salon Donts

1. No Credit Card Machine
Clients receiving salon services expect businesses to offer an option to pay with plastic as well as cash. If you lack this feature, it may be a sign of a "static" salon lacking vision and innovation.

2. Long Waiting Periods 
If you want to avoid disgruntle clients in the waiting area, maintain an appointment calendar. Clients would prefer to wait several weeks for an appointment than to sit in a salon for several hours.

3. Personal Discussions Across the Room
There is a common misconception that a hair salon is the hub of gossip and life discussions. Some women utilize this opportunity to unwind and destress from everyday life . Its difficult to relax if you are being disturbed by an exchange between employees. Its unprofessional and a reflection of the management.

4. Taking Lunch Breaks During Appointments
Courtesy includes proper planning. Breaks should be scheduled in between appointments not during. Even if the client is under the dryer, they want to know that you are ready to service them at any moment.

5. Taking Personal Phone Calls and Computer Usage
Today's basic necessities includes cell phones and laptops. However, any and all usage should take place in private. Clients prefer not to overhear the details of your personal life or watch you respond to someone's status update.

6. No Smoking Near or in Front of the Salon 
While smoking is considered a social hazard in most service environments, it is also offensive to clients who dont smoke. Leave your personal vices at home.

7. Loud & Offensive Music 
We have all walked into a salon blaring the latest song on the radio;  and while we may sing along for some versus, we dont want to hear it through the duration of our stay. Avoid playing specific genre's of music. A world music cd playing softly in the background is very relaxing.

8. Temperatures are not Adjusted According to External Weather Conditions 
Comfortable temperatures in the salon is a priority. An effective business owner would invest in central air conditioning for the summer and central heat for the winter. It can be a little pricey to install, but you will pay more in the long run, if you lose customers because of it. Remember salons are usually 15 degrees hotter in the summer months. Identifying and addressing door drafts is also esstional for the colder seasons.

9. Clients are Overbooked 

It is easy to overbook clients if you need the additional business. Its simply not a good idea. Clients would prefer to pay more money for your service than to be on a line to get their hair washed.

10. Disorganized Work Area
I've always joked that a disorganized work area is a reflectiion of how that business is run. Suprisingly other people have shared the same sentiment. The first order of business before and after a service is to clean and organize your work area...period.

11. No Wi-Fi Available
If the New York City MTA has provided wireless signal for cell phone users, then at minimu you could provide WIFI service for clients interested in using their electronic systems as they wait. Its almost a sin not to have access to your Facebook and Twitteer pages at any given moment :).

12. Bait and Switch Hair Products
Have you heard of salon employees using cheap products and pouring them into the bottles of a  more expensive brand? It happens all of the time. You can't fool customers. If a client is paying $80 for a relaxer, their hair should be straignt, bouncy, shiny, and healthy without additional leave in products. You can't accomplish that with cheap hair products.

13. Abusive Language and Discussions Among Employees and Patrons
Cursing or using other abusive language should not be used under any circumstances. There are no exceptions to this rule in a business environment. Complaints from employees is also a reflection of the salon's culture. Clients become very anxious when they are receiving a service from a disgruntled employee. Remember employees and clients are not friends INSIDE of the salon, irrespective of their relationship outside.

14. Dated Hairstyles
We all know how difficult it is to pass the Cosmetology exam; several hours of timed applicatications with limited resources. However salons should keep in mind that cosmetology schools do not teach you hair design, only the basic foundation. With that being said, if you don't take advanced classes and attend hair shows annually, you will never become aware of the latest trends. We suggest having routine classes at the salon as part of the employees' professional and creative development. Clients like to know they have hairstyle options and not be forced to choose out of handful of hairstyles.

15. No price list
Businesses are required to list prices in a conspicuous location. This may be in the front of the salon. Lacking proper signage may be cause for a violation.

Experienced something not mentioned on this list? Feel free to share
