Sunday, April 7, 2013

"Natural State of Mind"

Why I Decided To Wear My Natural Hair

For the first time in years I felt the breeze caress my scalp...

I almost forgot what fresh air felt like against my hair. Last night I took out the weave and replaced it with cornrows and double strand twists. After an hour of detangling the mess I created , I blow-dried my hair. Who would have thought, I actually had a head full of hair beyond shoulder length, that laid hidden under sewing thread, nets, plats, etc. A weight was lifted, literally. I usually wear three bundles of hair!!

My decision to transition to natural hair was due in part  to being inundated with women of color patronizing my salon asking to cut off relaxed hair or looking for a stylist who could maintain their curly tresses.  If they could do it, why couldn't I? Was I so connected to my false sense of security, that I refused to consider this as an option? Conforming to societal norms was the standard. Natural hair almost felt radical or revolutionary!!!!

The fact is,  I was neither radical nor revolutionary. I was a black woman tired of investing  hundreds of dollars into someone else's human hair.

But what if changed my mind?

The realty is, I could change my mind and there is no "hair gustapo," documenting my inconsistencies. I was making a conscious decision and as long as I was happy, everyone else would appreciate and support my styling  preference.

Nevertheless... it is DAY TWO  and I am still smiling.

Owner, Vanity Hair Studio NYC

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